Working at General Electric Transportation

On Monday, I began working for General Electric's Transportation division! I am the new Drives Control Engineer, Co-op. Basically, I will be working with the electonics and control strategies that provide intelligent power to the new Tier IV Evolution Series Locomotive; I help freight move from Point A to Point B as efficiently, economically, and environmentally-friendly as possible via rail.

Here at GE Transportation we're in the business of realizing potential. We are a global technology leader and supplier to the rail, mining, marine, stationary power and drilling industries. Our solutions help customers deliver goods and services with greater speed and greater savings using our advanced manufacturing techniques, industry expertise and connected machines. Established more than a century ago, GE Transportation is a division of the General Electric Company (NYSE:GE) that began as a pioneer in passenger and freight locomotives. That innovative spirit still drives GE Transportation today. It's the engine of change that puts us at the forefront of transportation technology, software, and analytics. And it's why we continue to find-and realize-the potential that keeps our connected world moving forward [GETS].

GE’s Evolution Series Tier 4 locomotive during a test run in Pueblo, Colorado. Image credit: Vincent Laforet

Tier IV Evolution Series Locomotive

Part of the ecomagination-certified Evolution Series, GE’s new Tier 4 locomotive will decrease emissions by more than 70 percent from Tier 3 technology and can help save railroad customers more than $1.5 billion in urea infrastructure and operational costs [Tier 4].

Featured Story at Virginia Tech

While in high school, I was diagnosed with a learning disability. After reaching out to others, following my diagnosis, I was able to receive appropriate accommodations. These accommodations do not provide me an advantage over my fellow classmates, rather they help to "level the playing field."

As a student at Virginia Tech, I still receive and utilize accommodations with approval from the Services for Students with Disabilities office of the Division of Student Affairs. They have been a fantastic resource and they are fantastic people, too.

If you seem to struggle with testing, or successfully completing tasks on-time, whether at VT or elsewhere, never be afraid to ask for help. If you have a moment, and would like to learn more, please see my featured Virginia Tech article by clicking the link below. Also, I’d be happy to try and answer any questions you may have/direct you to appropriate contacts.. please feel free to contact me anytime (

Featured Story - Link; Featured Story - PDF.

Bryan Faulkner studies outside of Lavery Hall; Virginia Tech Homepage.

Virginia Tech Homepage

Bryan Faulkner studies outside of Lavery Hall; Virginia Tech College of Engineering Homepage.

College of Engineering Home Page

IEEE-Eta Kappa NU (HKN)

Officially a member of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)! HKN, the honor society of IEEE, is dedicated to encouraging and recognizing individual excellence in education and meritorious work, in professional practice, and in any of the areas within the IEEE-designated fields of interest.

HKN Logo

Happy Founder's Day!

In a shady spot under a large cottonwood, on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, our founders saw the need for an honor society - one that by invitation would recognize scholarship, attitude, and character. The vision of these inspired young men was to promote the highest ideals of the engineering profession and form an organization where professionals and students help each other.

National Science Foundation Presentation

It was an absolute honor, and a great privilege, to be selected as one of 120 undergraduates to present my research to directors of the National Science Foundation (NSF) at their national headquarters in Arlington, VA today. It was great to connect with and learn from fellow like-minded students and faculty from all over the country at the National Council on Undergraduate Research's fifth annual Research Experiences for Undergraduates Symposium this weekend.

Bryan Faulkner with the NSF Logo

Honored to present at the National Science Foundation!

My First Publication

Ever since I began my engineering studies at Virginia Tech, I have had a great passion for research. A large part of research involves reading/studying Master's Theses, Ph.D. Dissertations, and various conference and journal publications. For years I have dreamed of being an author. Now I finally am an author! It is a privilege and an honor to be a co-author on a paper being presented at the premier global event in my field - the 31st Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference & Exposition, to be held in Long Beach, California next March. After 3 months of waiting, our paper was accepted by the review committee yesterday. I can't wait to share our work with the world!

A. Mallik; B. Faulkner; A. Khaligh, “Control of Single-Stage Three-Phase Buck-Boost-Type Power Factor Correction Rectifier,” in Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2016 IEEE

University of Maryland REU Research Fair

Research Fair - Powerpoint Presentation

Poster Presentation
Bryan Faulkner Research Poster

Poster presentation

Bryan Faulkner with the NSF Logo

My research advisor presenting me with the best written report award.

Bryan Faulkner with the NSF Logo

The research fair judges and I discussing my work and the work of others.

I was very fortunate to receive the Best Written Report Award for my research this summer.

Electric Vehicle Meet-up

Had such a great time this morning, at the Electric Vehicle meet-up! It was great to drive and see some awesome examples of Power Electronics at work. And yes, the torque is instantaneous.

Bryan Faulkner Research Poster

Such a joy to drive the Chevrolet Spark EV!

Bryan Faulkner with the NSF Logo

Tesla Model S

Bryan Faulkner with the NSF Logo

Chevy Volt

My First Paper Submission!

Hello again! It has been almost a month since my last posting, but much has happened in the intermediate. Both myself, and my Graduate Mentor, second year doctoral candidate, Ayan Mallik, have submitted a paper entry to the 2016 Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC). This conference is located in Long Beach, CA on March 20-24, 2016.

Our Title:

Control of a Single-Stage Three-Phase Buck-Boost Power Factor Correction Rectifier

The research is being conducted under the guidance of my Research Advisor, Alireza Khaligh, Ph.D.

Power Electronics Engineering Research Intern - Summer 2015

I am now entering my third week as a Research Engineering Intern. I have loved every minute of learning and researching at such a fine institution!


​This research is being conducted at The University of Maryland - College Park. Duration: June 2015 – August 2015

I am a Participant in the 2015 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Summer Engineering Research Experience in Transportation Electrification at the University of Maryland .

My research involves modeling and simulation of power factor correction converters for More Electric Aircraft.

I am currently working on projects related to the Boeing 777 and 787.

My literature reviews, of the 777 and 787 electric power generation and distribution systems can be found here, and here, respectively.

I am fortunate to conduct research under the guidance of Alireza Khaligh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Director, Power Electronics, Energy Harvesting and Renewable Energies Laboratory (PEHREL)

With the UMD Mascot, Testudo!

With the UMD Mascot, Testudo!

About Me

Hello! I'm Bryan Faulkner, a Senior Electrical Engineering Major studying at The Bradley Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech.

Futuristic | Learner | Achiever | Analytical | Intellection

As a member of The Engineering Honor Society, Tau Beta Pi, and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Honor Society, IEEE-HKN, I continually strive to advance my understanding of the engineering profession, and seek to give back to my community, in any way possible.

Research Interests

Focus on Power Electronics:
  • Gate driver development
  • Three Phase AC/DC Converters
  • Converter Control
  • I desire to enter into Graduate School for an advanced Electrical Engineering Degree. I am planning on pursuing my Master's of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE), with a concentration in Power Electronics. After obtaining my MSEE, I desire to become a doctoral candidate, with a specification in Power Electronics.


    VT Catholic Logo

    Apart from research, I have really grown in my own faith, while in college, and I have actively helped others seek out and grow in their own faith life. Since 2014, I have been actively involved in the leadership of the Newman Community - Catholic Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech.

    January 2015 - December 2015: Student Campus Minister (President)
  • Lead and engage a significant percentage of the university population in their Catholic Faith, while creating a welcoming environment to any and all, at the Newman Community
  • Work in tandem with the Newman Community Staff, as well as the Assistant Student Campus Minister, in order to maintain a well working leadership foundation
  • Collaborate with university officials to establish and guide events and services campus-wide
  • January 2014 - December 2014: Communication Minister

    While I am no longer leading in a formal capacity, I always make myself available to serve my community in any fashion to help.

    Resume, CV, and References

  • Resume
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Reference List